Monday, June 29, 2009


to Leah Stuhltrager
date Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 12:57 AM
subject RE: curatorial layout for SUMMER SESSION

Wow! Thank you so much- the CV looks great! Great job with the letterhead! The layout looks good too. If I remember correctly, that wall designated for the anchor doesn't have a molding on the floor does it? I think the opposite one might. And its just sheetrock with metal studs right? The piece is really designed, (visually and mechanically) to lay flush to the wall, I hope that's still possible. Anyway, that's pretty much what I was thinking. We'll try the sketchbook drawings in the back and the progress materials in front- and we can always switch it around if it doesn't look right- but it seems like it should be fine to me.

I am very excited as well and look forward to seeing how the show develops. Thanks again.


to jerry from leah:



The wall designated for the anchor does not have molding. It is sheetrock on wood studs I believe.

We are absolutely still on track for install: July 7 - 10.

Hope to see you Wednesday. If I don't make it - its not that I don't want to. My gallery work schedule has a way of dictating my life.


to leah from jerry:

Glad we're on the same page.
It's alright, I understand if you can't make it. I just checked out the blog- looks good but I think there is a small typo. No big thing: it reads Gavin Brown Enterprises- but the official name of the gallery is Gavin Brown's Enterprise - just thought it might be worth mentioning.


to paige from leah:

can you make this edit?
it won't let me edit it... ;(?
maybe its prohibiting me bc i wasn't the original author?

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